where kids can put their letters to Jule mænd – santa clause basically – and watch the nisse – the elves – come pick them up – CUTE!
we take gooooooooood pictures
us on the cute street
this was around 445 in the afternoon. and this is what we describe as Danmark ‘spitting’. Cause it’s not really raining, but there’s something coming at you…it’s just all sorts of awkward. 2
this was around 445 in the afternoon. and this is what we describe as Danmark ‘spitting’. Cause it’s not really raining, but there’s something coming at you…it’s just all sorts of awkward. 1
søster handly and søster hall – søster hall is also moving
more of the cute street
matching socks
christmas! so søster bartholomew is moving, so we had to open some christmas early. her mom sent us matching pj’s!!! so fun
all of us and our presents
a super cute street on the gå gade – mom and dad, I will HAVE to show you this street when you come to Odense. It’s just adorable!
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