this is the street we live on. It’s SO pretty! I just really love Valby. I had forgotten how pretty this place was.

Søster Murray and I last night….we look a bit tired, don’t we??

Søster Murray and I crossing the Stor bælt on our way back – this is from Fyn to Sjælland

I just lvoe them all :D

Left to right: Søster Peterson, Susanne (Floriens wife), Florien, Katrina (susannes daughter), Robert (Susannes Brother who baptized Florien), me and Søster Grant

Floriens dåb
It was such a good day!!!!! I just loved it! And he was just so happy :D

Robert and Florien
It was such a great day!!!

just right in the middle of the greater Copenhagen area of Lyngby ish area
it’s really pretty! I love that the field just randomly pops up in teh middle of the suburbs. so fun!

this is a really pretty church – Grundtvigs Kirke – in the middle of Nørrebro i København! It just comes out of the middle of nowhere, it’s really neat!
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