Well, life is good. I think Heavenly Father really wanted to...
Well – Soster Rigby’s release date is October 7th. We will...
Well, what a WEEK! I keep thinking that as I come...
Well, this will be short today, kinda ran out of time!...
Ok. Well, lets start off with saying, hands down this week...
God Dag Alle Sammen!! It’s been another good week in the...
http://familiekanalen.tv/?portfolio=soester-rigby-og-soester-peterson-soestermissionaer-fra-jesu-kristi-kirke-af-sidste-dages-hellige this is the link to when Søster Peterson and I...
I will share this one fun story. So, we tend to...
Well, it’s one of those days where it just rains and...
So, not much to report on this week. Other than Jette...