Week 49 – Pictures

welcome to the insanity of transfers on public transportation!

welcome to the insanity of transfers on public transportation!

this is what happens when someone decides to have zone konference in Århus, Stake Konference in Århus and transfers all in 5 days. Not nice!

this is what happens when someone decides to have zone konference in Århus, Stake Konference in Århus and transfers all in 5 days. Not nice!


My new companion - Søster Vige. We are in Esbjerg on Jylland and she is from Norway! I just got here about 3 hours ago - still haven't unpacked...but we did go grocery shopping!

My new companion – Søster Vige. We are in Esbjerg on Jylland and she is from Norway! I just got here about 3 hours ago – still haven’t unpacked…but we did go grocery shopping!

My danish family - I love these guys!!!! Carina, Lene, Gustav and Peter Køster. AH! I am just so incredibly grateful for them

My danish family – I love these guys!!!! Carina, Lene, Gustav and Peter Køster. AH! I am just so incredibly grateful for them

Mikkel Ilskov

Mikkel Ilskov

Helen McCormick and Emil Held

Helen McCormick and Emil Held

DSCN4154 DSCN4148 DSCN4144 DSCN4135 DSCN4127 DSCN4119 DSCN4110 DSCN4091 DSCN4088 DSCN4078 Bendy Århus take one for the week