we tried to bake some cookies….it didn’t go so well….
and here is emilie!
we finally got it!
this one might not be so easy….but you’ve got norway, and sweden and danmark of course!
the ivies!! I just love them sooo stinking much!
the ivies again – and emilie
the 4 white men…no one really knows why esbjerg decided to have them…but, hey. they’re here. and they’re awkward. and we went to go see them!
so, ya know how I said that esbjerg is weird – well, here is one eksempel. they put little danish flags in all the dog poop on the side walks. I don’t understand. But, that is Esbjerg for ya!
our drawing! can you tell what it is????
not sure if this is totally legal…but I’m standing in the atlantic ocean!! it was a little cold….and windy….
Matias Hansen’s baptism – love this kid!!!!
look how excited he is!!!!! it’s just cute!!!
I love my distrikt
cute little emilie had my camera! she got baptized….2 weeks ago now I think. The sunday before I got to esbjerg…she’s cute
cute little angelina
aske and grethe – odense
and I went on a ferry this week! we went to Fanø and visited a member out there on the island. it was fun
neither did the potatoes….maybe sticking a norwegian and an amerikan together wasn’t such a good idea….ha!
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