Week 5 – Travel Plans are coming!!!

Hi Mommy!!!

So, obviously still in the MTC, and still learning Danish. It’s coming though! Some days are good danish days….and some are definitely not. But the language is definitely coming. Thank you Heavenly Father for the gift of tongues! It’s so real, and definitely works!!

Some funny things from this week. We found all the full length videos on LDS.org and we’ve been watching those during our 5 hour study times. You can only read a book for so long! But we were watching a Bible video the other night. Ha. And people were coming in and out of the room like crazy and we couldn’t hear the tv. So we turned on the closed captioning. Oh man. Bad idea!! It was definitely not translating like it should! Ha. We were reading things like “they are standing on mars” and something about g-forces and the spirit of Christmas – all while Christ is talking to His disciples. You should definitely go try it – the video was John 6:25-71. And something kinda funny about the language – the word for marriage and poison are the same. BAHAHAHA. Oh, how I love the danes already! No manners, ever. They just take things. Jeans are cowboy pants. You know. So funny.

So in two days I should get my travel plans!! But I won’t find out until sometime next week if we have our Visa’s or not. So, we’ve still got awhile for that. But, I’ve got 13 days left in the MTC! That is crazy!! But, I’m excited to get out of here. And actually get to teach real investigators!!

Something major I have learned this week that has really meant a lot to me has to do with Sister Klingler – she left this morning for Sweden. I was talking to her on Sunday and we were talking about angels and how so many people are put into our lives at just the right time and in the right way. We were talking about the fact that there are angels all around us, both seen and unseen. And as missionaries we are promised that we will have Him to go before our face, be on our right hand and on our left and that we will have angels round about us to bear us up. And that is something that I just love and take SO much comfort in! These are people that I am going to go talk to about the most precious thing in my life and I have no clue who they are or really how to talk to them. But, I know I’m called and I have promises from the Savior that He will be there to help me. And then she said I like to picture those angels as my future children. As my posterity. Some of those angels being the children of those that we will teach leading us to their parents. The ancestors of those in Denmark hoping and praying that we will say just the right thing so that their posterity will listen and join the gospel so that they will have the opportunity to have the gospel as well. There are so many people in this life and in the next that are waiting for us, that are waiting for their posterity, their parents to hear the gospel so that they can also claim those blessings. She said she also likes to think about those that we know that have gone beyond the veil as and are now angels that are there helping us. And then I think of Grandpa. Both of them. And I know they are here with me. I know they are doing all that they can to help me, to lead me to those that need this gospel and who are ready for it. And I am just so grateful! But something that struck me the most is that we have the opportunity to be angels to all those around us. And that is something that I treasure. Something I can definitely do and not even have to speak this crazy language to do.

I’m so grateful to be here and be a part of this!! I love you family!!! You rock!! Thanks for everything!!

Soster Rigby

AND MOMMY!!! – HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re the best!!!

Ok. Email time is up. I’ll talk to you next week!!