Uge 52 – Heavenly Father loves us soooo much!

Well, the week has been pretty good! We are looking at another super crazy week….and that’s really good. It’s funny because I feel like a mom with about 500 children….ha. I just love them all SO stinking much! And I want to see all of them and give them all everything that I can! But, alas, time doesn’t always permit that. So, I just do what I can and leave the rest to the Lord. I guess that’s just kind of the recipe for life. Do everything you can, and leave the rest to the Lord.
The most exciting thing that happened this week was with Kristina :D She is just soo incredibly ready for the gospel! We had an appointment with her on….wednesday this week. And it went soooo well! It was funny because we had called Lasse the night before just to talk to him, see kind of where she was at so that we could plan our lesson for her. And he was SO funny! He was like, hey, so, it doesn’t have to be food, right? Cause, I don’t have any….and I don’t really know how to cook. HA! So then we get a call the next morning from Kristina that says remember, don’t eat, I’m making dinner. HA! It was just really funny! Anyways, for the good stuff. Basically the whole time, from the moment we walked in she was asking us questions. All about our missions, our experiences, our lives. It was soo sweet! She just thinks we’re the sweetest girls in the world….if she only knew ;) And then we shared the Earthly Father Heavenly Father video with her and she just lite up! And was crying! It was so sweet! She said herself, I can feel the Spirit when I am with you. I like how I feel when I am with you all. I want to be with you as much as I can! And we shared another video with her….I don’t remember what it was, but it had a small video of someone being baptized, and she points to it and says what’s that?! lasse ‘that’s someone getting baptized’. kristina ‘ohh. ok’. AHHH! I was so excited! And she said herself this feels right, this really does. I just need to take it at my own pace. But this just feels good, it feels right. :D :D we told her we would give her whatever time she needed to understand all of this! We have another appointment with her tomorrow :D so excited!
I think something major that I’ve learned this week, and I think this is something that Heavenly Father is continually trying to teach me, is that He really is always there. Truly. And whenever we pray to Him, He will answer us. And that is such a blessing! In testifying to Kristina that God is there, and that He loves her, I was SO nervous! Because, honestly, you could cut the Spirit with a knife it was that strong! And I didn’t want anything to go wrong. And I certainly didn’t want anything to go wrong because of my danish….that’s just not cool. And He just made it all come out sooo clear and so strong and so, perfect for her! I was SO incredibly grateful! I’ve had many moments like that, that honestly have strengthened my testimony so much! It is an incredible thing to be able to pray and have Him answer your prayers like that. And another very incredible thing to have the opportunity to use the gift of tongues like I have been able to so far on my mission. I still just completely stand in awe at how much He loves us and how much He has given us, and all so that we can return to Him. I’m sooo grateful!
I had kind of another cool moment that is hard to describe….so we were sitting in sacrament, and they were getting ready to prepare the sacrament, and I just realized that to a lot of people this is a tradition. This is just something we do after the announcements at the beginning of the meeting. And they say a prayer and the boys get up and pass around the bread and the water and then we move on. And something we do at 8, we get dunked in some water. And when we turn 18 or 19 or whatever, we go on missions. And when we get married we get married in the tempel. And while yes, those things do happen, and there is a bit of a tradition in those things, even more important and sacred is the why and the how to those things. We do those things because Heavenly Father has commanded us to, but the only reason that He has commanded us to is so that we can be happy! And the authority with which we do them is the same authority that He used to create the heavens and the earth and everything that is in them! He has given us that same power on earth….simply because He loves us! How cool is that?!?! AH! I’m just sooo incredibly grateful!!
Ok. Enough of the soap box. Missions just rock! I love mine :)
I hope you all are having a wonderful week!! Generalkonference is this week….watch and enjoy!! I’m SO excited!!!! :D
Mange kærlighed,
Søster Rigby