Uge 26 – Jeg skal flytte denne uge til Odense!

What a week. For real. We were able to meet with some awesome people and help them to begin to understand the gospel again! It’s so great to see people come back to what they have once known and loved. It’s so great! And we set up tons of appts for the week to meet with members friends and teach them and get to know them. We’re also meeting some less actives this week. It’s just going to be SO good!

Some crazy things that happened…..Monday we get a call from the Zone Leders asking us to come down to the office to get this girl that’s here from Panama and take her to fhe. She speaks no danish, and less english than I do danish. Ha. So that was an adventure! But we took her, and thankfully, danes are ridiculously good at languages and were able to translate for her. Such a blessing!

Tuesday we had our last distrikt møde with Ældste Hansen – our distrikt leder. So that was kind of sad. And we got to have dinner in a house that night too! That’s the first house I’ve been in – besides præsidents – since I left St Louis! That was sooooo cool! And we had haystacks….but they’re not quite like ours. Theres curry in it. And lime. And…yeah. WAYYYYYY different from our haystacks. But still yummy. The mom is Amerikansk so we didn’t have to eat everything. That was nice :)

Wednesday…….oh yeah! We went to the national museet and we saw the viking exhibit! It was pretty sweet!!!!! I love that place :) Oh! And we got 14 visas!!!! Rockin!!

Thursday…we’re you know, just out kontakting people and the phone goes off, and apparantly we had missed a call from præsident. weird. He doesn’t usually call us. And not in the middle of the day. So we call him back and it goes straight to voicemail. An hour and a half later we finally get ahold of him, and find out that next week Søster Sheridan will become a trainer and I’m headed out to Odense! I get to be with Søster Bartholomew! So excited! Love that girl! Odense is on the island of Fyn between Sjælland and Jylland. So, that’s pretty sweet! Definitley was not expecting that one. At all.

Friday we had this hjælpe hånder thing and we went and sang at this special needs home. It was pretty cool! We sang ‘You are my sunshine’ which….if you sing all the verses isn’t exactly that appropriate for missionaries. Ha. And we sang ‘Yellow Submarine’. That was the one moment in my life where I wish I had listened more to Zach when he would sing that to me….rellentesly. Ha.

Saturday….oh yeah. We got food poisoning. That was fun. So that made yesterday fun too. Especially with eating appointments. Ha. I love my life :)

So the week has been good, a little nuts, but good. I’m heading out to Odense on thursday. And moving on public transportation. That’s going to be quite the adventure for sure!

Love you all! Have a great week!!!!

Søster Rigby

Week 26 – Pictures


Brit is moving to the city of Odense, Denmark.  This is Hans Christian Anderson’s native city.  The city is over 1000 years old.  It’s about 1 hour 15 minutes by train from Denmark.  Here’s a couple of links to information on Odense.

Odense – The Official Website of Denmark

Odense – Wikipedia

Pictures of Odense

Right now I don’t have an updated address for her.  I think we’re still supposed to use the same address that we’ve been using.  If that changes I’ll update it on the site.