Uge 34 – Et Måned!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!

Well, this week has been…..a week. Ha. Søster Bartholomew got super sick last weekend and it lasted for a couple days so we were in a bit more than I would prefer….but that’s alright, cause then she got all better! It was so great :) I’m just SO incredibly grateful for amazing people! So here’s a story on some pretty wonderful members that I am so grateful for! He is the oldest son (Peter, and his wife is Lene and their daugher is Carina) of the couple (Ole and Mete Køster who are missionærer serving out on Bornholm right now) whose house we are living in. We have dinner with them basically every mandag night because we’re doing the one heart one mind program with us and they refuse to let us come to their house and not feed us. So, we eat. And she is an AMAZING cook! Seriously! I basically die of happiness every time we eat there. Last week we had the danish version of sloppy joes and they’re this pita stuff with chicken with curry and lettuce and basically…a mess. A big mess! And Peter just looks at as we have sauce dripping everywhere and he’s like well, you know us, it doesn’t matter what any of us look like any more! Ha. It was great :) And he had stopped and talked to us last mandag as we were emailing and for like 30 min. I think he likes us :) and then we had dinner that night with them. oh and he came to the house to fix something that was dorking out. So tirsdag comes and Søster Bartholomew is all sorts of out of it, so we called Peter and asked him to come up and give Søster Bartholomew a blessing. About 20 min later he shows up at our door with his daughter Carina and says, I brought my chaperone! ha!! So great :) So fast forward to later that night, about 18, and Lene calls us and says have you eaten yet? we were still trying to figure out what we wanted to eat, so we said no. And 5 min later, Peter shows up at our door again with two tupperware containers full of frikadeler and vegetables and potatoes. And he says, dinner is served! Bahahahha, I love this family :) They are seriously the greatest people ever! Basically, people just take care of us like crazy and I am so grateful for that :)

And the rest of the week….well….it’s time to start finding again :) So, that’s that! But really, it was a good week, I feel like I have learned a lot and continue to learn a lot. And I am SO grateful for that! I have wonderful leaders and people around here who love me a lot and I continue to be amazed at how incredibly blessed I am!

Oh! And I did my first knocking doors in Danmark last night. It was…quite an adventure. I love people. They’re so funny! We met one guy and he let us give him a card! So that was exciting :D 

Oh!! One of my teachers from the MTC is here this week, and I got to talk to her – Søster Neilsen – and I talked to her in danish, and she responded in danish, and we had a whole conversation…in danish! It was SO surreal! The last time I saw her I could not understand a thing! But…now I can! Cool!!  


Tomorrow we are going to København so I can take my sprog test. So that’ll be good! And I can take Søster Bartholomew around :D I’m so excited for that! Hit up Strøget and Nyhavn and Den Lille Havfrue. It’ll be so great :D Oh yeah, and eat something too. That’d be good.

Well, that’s the week! It’s been a good one. A bit of a crazy one, but one that I have learned a lot from. I think one of the biggest things that I have learned is that it’s not simply enough to have a testimony, you have to do something with it. And it’s not simply enough to have a plan, you have to act on that plan, even when half the time you have no idea what you are actually going to do! It really doesn’t matter. As long as you get up and get going, the Lord will guide you. And that’s super hard sometimes, but it’s what needs to happen. It’s definitely what needs to happen! And I am so grateful that the Lord has patience with us. So grateful! I was reading in Alma 26 this last week and it just occurred to me that it really doesn’t matter all the specifiks of what happens out here on my mission. What matters is that I ‘become an instrument it His hands’. And that’s what I want more than anything else! So, that’s a lot of what I’m working on right now. Just going for things, even though half the time…ok, more than half the time I don’t have any idea what’s going on! The Lord will guide me, and that is enough for me. 

Oh! And one more cool thing. Just after church yesterday I was standing there with Søster Hall – one of the søsterne I live with who was also in the mtc with me – and Torben Jensen – a member we are with ALL the time! Anyways, we were all talking and she said something to Torben and he didn’t understand, so she said it again, and he still didn’t understand, so he looked at me for translation, and he understood me!!! And he is used to missionarsk, as it’s called – missionary language. He understood me!!! It was SO great! A dane looked at me for translation, and I translated. How ridiculously cool is that?!!? I was so excited!! :D

So, that was my week! Hope you all had a good one too!! Love you!!!!

Mange Kærlighed – 

Søster Rigby

Oh yeah, and happy thanksgiving!!!!!! Go stuff yourselves with Turkey!! I know I’m going to :D

Week 34 – Pictures