Well, it’s been a good week! It’s one of those weeks where I know I did lots of Things, and I know they were important, but I don’t really remember all of them. Ha. Tuesday we went into Copenhagen and took my sprog test! It was good. Yup. Not a Whole to say about that. They spoke much clearer on that test than they do in København. Ha. And crazy thing! Søster Sheridan and I went to Strøget one day and we got hot dogs and talked to this sweet lady, gave her a pass along Card, talked to her a bit about the gospel and went on our merry way. Well, Tuesday Søster Bartholomew and I went back to Strøget and got hot dogs and the lady recognized me! And right off the bat too! She was asking all about how the missionary Work was going, and said she hadn’t seen me in a while and was asking if I had moved, etc. So we talked for a Little bit more about the gospel and good stuff. So, I’ve already told Søster Sheridan about it, so hopefully she will go back and talk to her! It was just SO crazy!! I mean, of all the people she sees, to recognize me and know exactly who I was before I’d even gotten to the front of the line, that was just amazing!
Fast forward…..we’ve had some adventures this week Getting completely SOAKED in the rain, so bad that we could ring out our wool jackets…ha. That was rather entertaining. We’ve had lots of good chats with members and have talked with them actually about a lot of missionærer Work. which is super great! I’ve realized that a lot of them do want to share the gospel, and they want to see their friends take part, and many of them have even talked with their friends about the gospel, they know the beliefs and what they stand for. They’re just having troubles inviting them to church or aktiviter or Things like that. so that’s our next adventure to do that one.
Oh! And mirakel! Bendy came to church! he is a less aktive that we have been working with. He finally came! Such a mirakel! We had an appointment with him last wednesday and it was just crazy! We walked in and we could tell he just had this major wall up. Major! And we just didn’t know what to do. And he was pretty arguementative and just plain rude. He wouldn’t make another appt with us and told us he wasn’t going to come to church. So. yeah, it was lame. And then on Friday we get this text from him and basically he was just being super weird! We weren’t really sure what was going on. But he made an appt with us for…today actually. And then he said he was coming to church. Which, we weren’t really sure was the truth or not. But, he came! We were 20 minutes early, and he was already there! So that was SUPER cool! I’m not really sure what happened to inspire this huge turn around, but whatever it was, I am sure grateful! It was the first time he has been in church in about 30 years! So crazy!
And we had another less aktive come to the church for Family history on wednesday! It was the first time she’d been in the Building in over 30 years as well. So that was wayyyyy cool! It’s just really amazing to see what the Lord has in store for each of His children I love working with them!
and we had thanksgiving! it was gooooood see the Pictures for more details. BUT! At the end we had this really funny moment where we sang the Amerikan national Anthem, the Danish national Anthem, and God Save the Queen….for the one brit that was there. HA! It was so great! but then we ended the evening by singing a bunch of hymns. and it was just reallllly neat. I loved that so much! Fokusing completely on the Savior and being so grateful for Him and all that He has done for us. That was definitely a moment that I will never forget!
oh and we had an adventure to assens this last week too. those are always fun! we were a Little soaked by the end of the day…..you know it’s bad when you can wring out your wool jacket….ha.
but it’s been a good week Christmas has basically exploded all around Danmark! We got to help a Family in our Ward put their Christmas decorations up yesterday
it was SO great! you should be getting Pictures of that sometime soon if you haven’t already gotten them. and we sang Christmas hymns in church yesterday! and we had the Christmas concert for the Ward on saturday! Søster Bartholomew is a Little Christmased out….but I’m in HEAVEN!!!!! Seriously. I truly believe this is one of the reasons I was sent to Danmark on my mission. So I could experience Christmas
I thought we did it pretty good in the states….boyyyy was I wrong! We even had a lesson in RS yesterday about not worrying about having the perfect Christmas
SO great! I just love it
I am in PURE heaven! truly! and I’m in H.C. Andersons city for Chrismas. I don’t think I could be more blessed! Such a spoiled girl I am
Seriously though, I get to be on a mission and that is the biggest Blessing in the World! I am SO spoiled! I get to learn more about my Savior and help others to learn more about Him too. I don’t really know when it happened, but I got blessed. And I am SO thankful for that!
Have a great week! Thanks for all you do!
Ha’ det godt!
Søster Rigby
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