Uge 36 – The crazy week…..

So this week marked my ‘I have officially been in more than one natural disaster’ moment. It was so great! Ha. Seriously though, such an adventure! I’ve officially been in 1 tornado and 2 hurricanes. That’s right. the tornado was in St Louis and the hurricanes have been here! One was just last week. We were up in Århus on Jylland – the main peninsula – about 2/3 of the way up at a zone konference when it Jylland super hard! We had about 60ish missionærer there too. So the zone leders made the intelligent decision to keep everyone who lived on Jylland there in Århus and just have them stay with missionærer that lived there, and send the ones that had to go the farthest – back to our cute Little Island of Fyn – back. Ha. That was goooooooood. Hahahaha. So we make it back to the train station, get on and it takes us 2 hours to go a distnace that should have taken us about 45 min, and get stopped in Fredericia – which is the last town going off of Jylland before you get onto Fyn – because a semi had tipped over and landed on the train tracks and they didn’t know how long it was going to take to clear it….during the  middle of this hurricane. So there we are at about 5pm, pitch Black outside and has been for about 1,5 hours, 4 sister’s and 4 elders sitting on this train trying to figure out what in the World we’re going to do, waiting for permission from our mission president to get off the train…hahahaha it was funny :) I think the other people on the train thought we can’t make decisions to save our lives! So great! Anyways, the ældsterne ended up staying with the zone leders that night, and we went and stayed with member that lives about 5 minutes from the train station. And she made us cute Heart waffels! And hot coco with Cocio and then had breakfast all sitting out for us when we got up Fredag morning. SO CUTE!!! Her name is Georgia and I just love her :) She’s actually the aunt of some members we know in our Ward! So that was fun :) I just love the adventures of being a missioærer :) it’s the greatest! This one was called hurricane Bodil. Good stuff!

And here is going to be a bit of a bragging moment, my mission is the best. Seriously. Præsident Sederholm is incredible!! We were at zone konference, in the middle of the hurricane….ha. So fun. Anyways and he was talking about our mission and he said something to the effect of I’m sure every mission could say  this, that they are the best mission in the World, and that they are special, and that is true, however there is something different about our mission. We are here serving the people that have quite literally built the Kingdom of God up in the last dispensation. He said that this is a special place that not many get to serve in and yet, we are here taking care of those who quite literally gave up EVERYTHING to build the Kingdom of God. He said that He knows us and He loves us and He trusts us. He has been watching us for a long time and trusts us with a very special land. And that is an incredible Blessing! And basically, Præsident just answered every single question I had about life. Ha. He’s really good at doing that. Really, really good.

As far as the rest of everything….well, investigators are a bit slow right now. But we’re doing a lot of finding! And members are really talking to their friends and opening up more. So that is WAY good! I’m so grateful for that :) I don’t know what Heavenly Father’s plan is, but He’s sure working on it, and not really showing me that plan….and we all know how much that drives me up the wall! I guess I’m just learning patience. My favorite thing….BHAHAHAHA.

We did have a bit of an interesting experience yesterday, maybe lørdag, anyways. We met with this couple that we’ve been meeting with off and on, and we had been told that they had decided to take their names off the records of the church. they are this super cute old couple that I just love! So of course we were really sad. So we went to go talk to them to see what had happened and basically it came Down to the people in the church hadn’t taken much notice of them excpet missionærer. And that was wayyyyy hard! It just reminded me SO much of the fact that really we have to strengthen our testimonies continually of the gospel of Jesu Kristi. It’s SO important! And I got to thinking about how in all reality, nothing else in this Whole World matters excpet the fact that Jesus is the Christ. That He lives. He did come to this earth. And He lives Again. And He has offered Himself to be our Savior and Redeemer. And it really doesn’t matter if we’ve had our feelings hurt, if someone has said something that wasn’t in line with the gospel, if we’ve done something that we know we shouldn’t have, or if life is hard, or we’re struggling. It really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that God, our Father in Heaven and His son Jesus Christ have told us that if we trust in Them that we can have eternal life. And not just life forever, we get to be with our families, life is good. But truly CLEAN! Truly 100% happy and joyful and peaceful. And all we have to do is follow them. Is anything in this World, or the NeXT worth more than that? I know I would give up everything to have that. That Peace and happiness and joy in my life, for now and for eternity, no matter what I thought it cost me. Because in reality, if we choose to hold on to those Things that He has asked us to give up because we think it’s too much, or it’s too hard, or we don’t think we can do it, just imagine the Blessings that you’re giving up. I certainly don’t want to give up those!!!

Anyways. This week has been good :) Full of adventures and crazy Things! And I love it! I love being a missionærer and sharing what I know to be true. It is such an incredible Blessing!! I hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you!!

Kærlig Hilsen,

Søster Rigby

Week 36 Pictures