Life here on Fyn is pretty wonderful! We have had some seriously wonderful experiences One of the first ones to name happened on Tuesday. There was this less active that Søster Bartholomew had contacted back in November for the first time. We knocked on her door the first time and she wasn’t there. So we went and contacted this really old referral who, well, lets just say he was NOT interested. Ha. So we came back about a week or so later and contacted this less active! She said she didn’t have time right then, but gave us her phone number and said call back in 3 weeks. So, we marked that in our planners and called back. And we made an appointment! We got in and talked with her and she was pretty hesitant to have us in and said she didn’t want contact with the church other than missionaries – no home or visiting teachers or anything! And the only reason she was going to let us come back at some point was because her mom really loved the missionaries and would have them over all the time. But we couldn’t ever make appointments with her while we were in her home. We always had to call. That was back in November or December sometime. So, we’ve been visiting her once a month since then. Well, we walk in on Tuesday and sit down and chit chat for minute or two and then, out of the blue she says hey, the next time you come can you come later in the day so that my daughter can meet you? She really wants to meet you and get to know you. Uhm, I think the correct answer to that is YES!!!!! So we sat and made an appointment with her right then and there. Wow. Talk about a mirakel! It’s set for next tuesday. AH! So excited for that
her daughter has not been baptized and doesn’t know much about the church, at all. And the less active said the first time we met with her that she is athiest. Well, this time we read 2 Nefi 31 and we were talking about how God loves us and will always help us and His only desire is for us to return to Him as eternal families and she said you know, that is a great comfort for me. AH! And whenever we were talking about eternal families she would look at a picture of her daughter
eek! I’m just so excited
I love seeing people come to know their Savior and seeing them feel the Spirit!
Also, kind of a funny correlation that we have noticed, there is something to having the Spirit in your home and having a clean home. Don’t really understand this one…but hey. It’s good stuff!
The Hansens are WONDERFUL! Bo wasn’t at our last lesson due to some military stuff he had to be at, and they had told us that they wouldn’t be at church on Sunday, again because of the military stuff, so Sonia was going to make a lesson and give it to the kids on sunday. Well, we get to church and in they walk I think they just need to stop telling us they’re not going to be able to make it cause they always do
It’s so great! I just love them so much
I love how everything is just falling right into place right now
It is seriously such a privelage to be a part of theif lives and know them! I am so grateful for the wonderful eksempel to me and for all that they are and do! I just love them
We also had an appt with Bendy! It went SO well! We just laughed our heads off! It was so great He is going to make us food in the church on saturday with some other people
it’s gonna be good! he is a certified chef and everything! AND! Funny story, he told us on saturday during our appt that he wasn’t going to be able to come….and then he did
I love when people just show up like that! It’s soooo great
And then…oh yeah. Hellen got up to bear her testimony and the first thing she says is, I have to make this short because I just got a text saying that my hamsters had babies and now they’re eating each other. BAHAHAHAHAHA! I love the things you hear in church sometimes….just soooo funny! But she’s doing well Love that girl! She cracks me up!!
And basically. Life is good I just love being a missionary and all that it entails! I love knowing that I am a child of God and that He loves me. I love seeing this work go forward in ways that I never dreamed possible! I know He is right in the middle of it and is so ready for us to see the mirakels that He is bringing about! I’m so grateful for the chance that I have to be a missionary right now! I don’t really know how in the world I have gotten to be so lucky, but I am. And I am SO thankful!
Ha’ en fantastisk uge! Jeg elsker jer og elsker jeg at være en missionær her i Danmark i Odense!!
Mange kærlighed,
Søster Rigby
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