Uge 56 – HUN TROR!

She believes!

Ok. Here’s the lowdown on the week.

  1. Heavenly Father rocks.
  2. He has a plan. That I am ridiculously convinced of.
  3. Prayer works.
  4. Live your faith y’all!

Ok. Basically, life as a missionary is the best thing in the whole wide world! Why? Because you get investigators like Matias. Who just activates his entire family, with sites set on getting to the temple to be sealed. And then, you get investigators like Kristina who just eat up EVERYTHING you say and do, and come to know that Christ loves them. Within 7 weeks. She went to Sverige last weekend on a church activity thing and came back and she told us EVERYTHING! And when I say everything, I mean everything :D It’s soooo great! They went up friday and she had met a couple of people and one had told her she just needed to pray to know that He was there. So, what does she do? She prays. The next morning, her and her roommate are down on the beach, just talking and it gets quiet. And then she just gets warm, and happy, and so peaceful. And she starts crying. Yes folks, that is what y’all think it is :D SHE BELIEVES IN GOD!!!!!!! It’s TRUE! She knows He is real, she knows who He is and she knows He loves her. And this, the girl that we met just 7 weeks ago yesterday for the very first time, who was a bit hung over coming to church. She has now decided that not only is she going to live the law of chastity, she is going to live the word of wisdom. Because she loves the idea of treating your body like a temple. And she wants to be baptized and knows who she wants to baptize her, just hasn’t picked a date yet. And she can’t wait to get to go to the temple to feel the incredible amount of peace that exists there. And we will first teach her the restoration tonight. Not even kidding! We have not taught her a single lesson. We have listened and shared our lives with her. That’s all.

And another wonderful moment. We had a ‘recently returned missionary’ (he got back in November) speak in our ward yesterday. He is from Odense, so I’ve heard him speak a couple times and he always makes me think! And yesterday he spoke on agency. And kind of an interesting thing in danish, when you say agency, you say handlefriheds gaven. The gift of agency. It’s a gift. It’s the opportunity to choose. And we make choices everyday! And with those choices, we can choose to come nearer to God, or we can choose to come farther away from Him. There is almost never a choice we make which does not do one or the other. Especially when it comes to big life choices. Every single one of us chose to follow Him already, and that is evidenced by the fact that we are here on this earth. And many of us have made the choice to be baptized. Now we must make the choice everyday to come nearer to Him. Not farther away. And then he said this – don’t give up on the way. And that just really hit me! How many of us, if we have trained for a marathon, prepared for it for many many months, signed up, paid the money, got up early and started running, make it half way, 3/4 of the way, in sight of the finish line and say, op! It’s too much. It’s too far. There’s too much to do, I’m just gonna turn back and go the other way. That was easier. Or just stop and go jump in the crowd. NO! I’ll bet every single one of us would finish that stinkin race! By golly, we worked our buns off, I’m gonna finish! Well, it’s the exact same way with the gospel. We all prepared, for who knows how long at the feet of our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Chirst. We fought in the war in heaven and WON! And we all recieved the opportunity to gain a body and come to this earth. Now we just have to make it a few feet more. The finish line is insight, is it really too hard to finish the race? To run the last mile? I’m thinking not. But sometimes, it is foggy, and gray and rainy and dark and just plain nasty gross outside. And sometimes we’re just hot and sweaty and just really would love a drink of water, a minute to stop and relax. But if we just push forward, that one last mile, that one last step, we can make it. He will catch us. He will make it all worth it. We will live with our families, and our Heavenly Father for eternity. And that is the point of all of this – to prepare us to live a celestial life with our Heavenly Father, our Savior Jesus Christ, and our families. I can’t think of anything worth fighting for more than that.

I just love the gospel. :D

I love you! I’m grateful for you!! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week!!

Mange Kærlighed,

Søster Rigby.